Partnerships, associations, affiliations, and collaborations of all sorts for and highly welcomed at the Foundation, to better serve the continent and achieve our targets in the various philanthropic missions for the advancement of communities in Africa. Assistance in the form of finance serves in kind, resources, networking, expertise, or support in any other mode may be put our way which we can put to reasonable use.
Our delivery partners, professionals, and consultants, all are unified together to ensure our readiness and enthusiasm to work towards a common goal, and the attainment of synergies through collaborations and partnerships makes our efforts to fulfill the diverse and widespread charitable activities worthwhile.
Join us now to become part of the greatest transformation witnessed by mother Africa towards collective self-sustenance, reliance, and prosperity, one community at a time, for each home counts.

Dr. Kobi Ludwin


Mr. Daniel Phiri

Co-Chairman and Head of Communications and Marketing

Dr. Judith Ogolla

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Samuel Pather

Director Logistics

Ms Namwinga Mudolo

Director Projects Outreach

Ms Micaela Anna de Leon

Director of Impact and Sustainability

Mrs. Caroline A. Oduor

Director of Human Resources and Administration

Mrs. Philomena B. Koech (EBS)

Director of Programs

Mr. Chizah Kanaiya Wambugu

Chief Finance Officer

Mr. Paul Thulebona Ndlovu

Community Development Manager