Water is life. Yet, millions in rural Africa still lack easy access to safe drinking water. They walk miles daily to fetch water from far-off, often contaminated sources. This affects not only their health but also their education, economic opportunities, and overall quality of life. Our Water Drilling Project aims to change that. According to the World Health Organisation ‘Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources, can boost countries’ economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.’ The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Our water drilling projects span various African regions, focusing on the most vulnerable communities. We use modern drilling techniques to construct boreholes, wells, and water storage facilities. Alongside this, we also provide necessary training to the residents to maintain and manage these water resources, promoting community ownership and sustainable use. In Zambia we are progressing a project that will open 2000 bore holes in each of the countries 10 provinces targeting rural communities. The initiative is expected to help improve the lives of over one million people.
Our approach is not just about providing immediate relief; it’s about fostering long-term water security for the assisted communities.
Access to clean water has transformative effects on communities. It leads to improved health by reducing waterborne diseases, enhances agricultural productivity, and frees up time usually spent collecting water, enabling children, particularly girls, to attend school.
Impactful Transformation
We anticipate significantly reducing water-related illnesses, increasing school attendance, and developing more robust local economies through our projects. At the regional and country level we expect that our work will help alleviate poverty and enable economic development. Our work is making a tangible difference, but there's still much more to do.
How You Can Help
Your contributions directly fund our drilling projects and training programs.
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We welcome partnerships with organizations that share our mission.
Empower, Donate, Transform
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